The Meaning Behind #GetHi

The term #GetHi that is often found on The HI Project apparel can cause confusion among those who see it. Does it mean actually getting high? Does this business sell what I think it sells? Should I be wearing this?

The answer is No, No, and YES!

To the disappointment of some customers, we DO NOT sell illicit products. However, we do sell something that could change your brain chemistry... Human Interaction!

According to Human Performance Resources by CHAMP, "Healthy interactions with other people promote your brain’s release of the chemicals oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. These brain chemicals help control your social behavior and support your overall health and well-being, making social interaction naturally rewarding." 

And if you don't want to read all of that, it basically says that actually talking to real people, or even just saying "hi", releases all kinds of good chemicals in your brain, improving your mental health. This kind of Human Interaction "high" has zero negative effects on your mental or physical health, unless you don't like making new friends, then it may cause some issues. 

Basically, we are trying to change the meaning of #GetHi to mean something positive and exciting. Speaking from experience, when you begin meeting new people, making new friends, and experiencing the epic feeling of serendipitous interaction, its a feeling you have never felt. And let me tell you... it is AWESOME!

So get out there, make new friends, and say Hi! 

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